Farnborough Lions donation to Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice
Pictured are members of Farnborough Lions Club presenting a cheque for £500 to the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham.

Farnborough Lions regularly carry out fund raising events to help a wide variety of good causes locally, nationally and overseas as part of Lions Clubs International. This presentation to the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice is in fond memory of the wife of a Farnborough Lion who lost her fight with cancer while under the care of the hospice.
She has helped at Lions Fund raising events together with her work in Cove Methodist Church and as Guide Commissioner for the district.
Lion President Chris Seabrook said "During this sad time we have many good memories of this lovely lady who has helped carry out so much good work in the community over many years. As a thank you to the hospice for the prompt and wonderful care she received at home, we make this donation for their continued work".