Farnborough Diabetes Awareness Day

The event is opened by the Mayor of Rushmoor Councillor Peter Crerer A resounding success was the verdict following Lion Chris Seabrook smiles through his diabetes test in Princes Mead.Farnborough Lions Diabetes Awareness Day held in Princes Mead during the Mayday weekend. The event was officially opened by the Mayor of Rushmoor Councillor Peter Crerar. It is part of the national intitiative by Lions Clubs throughout the country with Lloyds Pharmacies to bring to public attention how common diabetes is and how devastating the effects can be on people's health if it goes undetected and untreated. Nationally nearly 3 million people suffer from diabetes, 850,000 of which don't as yet know they have it. During the event staff from Lloyds Pharmacy, Farnborough carried out blood pressure, body mass index and blood sugar level tests on 47 people resulting in 7 GP referrals for further treatment for high blood pressure or diabetes. With 15% of those tested requiring further medical tests and treatment is an indication of how succesful a drop in testing centre like this can be. "This re-enforces the commitment of Farnborough Lions Club to help the widest possible spectrum of people throughout Rushmoor". said Lions spokesman Richard Keeley "We are particularly grateful to Princes Mead Shopping Centre for allowing us to carry out this invaluable community day. We also thank the staff of Lloyds Pharmacy in Farnborough for their hard work in bringing this facility into the community" he continued. If you didn't take part in the Lions Diabetes Awareness Day and are suffering even occasionally from excessive thirst, tiredness or even blurred vison visit your local branch of Lloyds Pharmacy where free diabetes checks are available to all.             

Lion President Richard Keeley is tested by Lloyds Pharmacy staff.